Sunday, 3 February 2013

Become a Cage Fighter

Become a Cage Fighter

A cage fight is like a fight in the cage. Cage fight is a Mixed Martial Art which is a combination of Brazilian  Jiu, Muay Thai , Zumba and many other style. In cage fighting a man simply wins by knocking out his opponent. The fight usally depend upon kicking and boxing.

Firstly focus on your inner strength and what you do good? You are good in punching then focus on stricking power. Think whats your weakness and how you overcome your weakness. Find a gym for mixed martial art if you find the gym then its good but if you dont find the gym studying Thai style of boxing kicking skills

Learn the self defence and try to do every skill you learnt again and again and dont disheart that you cant. Practice again and again to gripped on skill. Take part in compitition of boxing and kicking then you really realize whats your mistakes and which part you need to focus. Build your satimina first because its very important in fights.

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